

Saturday, February 12, 2011
My all-purpose zoom lens is broken. It's been broken since the first day of class in Rome. Some part came loose inside and is in the way of my view. I had a lot of fun with it while it was broken, because sometimes the black streaks looked pretty cool, like a natural vignette effect. Other times, it gave a different color because of the soft black over my image. Anyway, it was no fun when auto focus stopped working and manual focus no longer rotated. I wanted to open it up but I have no tools here. :(
So I've been using this one and only 50mm fixed lens I have left.
from first few days of Rome: (2011_01_15 - 19)

something is really different about the Roman sun. They aren't diffused at all. They just enter buildings as such crisp line. gorgeously. so eloquently.

anyways, I have to tell you that I'm VERY behind with updating pictures. It just hasn't been my priority, to tell you the truth. But I am working on this really interesting studio project that I'm very excited about...


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